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tb141 toy electric rc car

What is the Best Beginner RC Car

If you’re looking for the ultimate RC car to buy, one that is worth every single penny and will deliver years of fantastic fun and performance, it can be hard to single out one model, especially as a beginner. That’s why today I’m going to recommend to you what I find is the best single RC car: the Bezgar TB141.

This is not some specialized RC car that’s only good for beginners though. This is simply the number one RC car that you should buy right now that happens to be very beginner friendly. And as you improve and get used to using an RC car, you’ll still have a powerful machine that’s a lot of fun to use.

Without further ado, here’s all you need to know about the best RC car for beginners, the Bezgar TB141.

tb141 beginner rc truck

Bezgar TB141 Specifications

The TB141 is a 1/14 scale electric remote control car. It has a max speed of 16 mph out of the box and utilizes a 2.4ghz radio system. It comes with four LED headlights mounted on an adjustable rack which makes it an excellent choice for nighttime rides.

The TB141 is available in 5 different colors: blue, red, pink yellow and green. Each one has a shiny paint finish that really makes the color pop, no matter when or where you’re driving the RC.

All Terrain Capabilities

One of the most important aspects of the Bezgar TB141 is its off road, all terrain capabilities. This isn't just some regular RC car that you can only use in your driveway or on the sidewalk. The TB141 is specifically designed to handle as many different terrains and surfaces as possible.

Part of what makes the TB141 capable of handling multiple terrains are its heavy duty rubber tires. These are easily some of the best quality tires I've ever seen on a sub-$100 RC car. They're nice and wide, which allows them to handle bumpy roads or trails with pebbles and debris, but they also have perfect grooving which gives them the traction and grip they need on surfaces like sand or mud.

While using the Bezgar TB141 on asphalt and flat, smoothed out surfaces is fun, I had much more of a blast testing it to its limits on mud, dirt and other uneven terrain. Take it from me – you won't be able to fully appreciate what the TB141 is capable of unless you take it off road.

Durability and Longevity

Another key aspect of the Bezgar TB141 is its excellent build quality. The TB141 is actually part of Bezgar's metal series, referring to the fact that the RC car's construction uses metal panels on the front, top and sides of the car. This gives the TB141 a nicer look and feel, but more importantly it also makes it tougher when in use.

While the chassis is made from ABS plastic, the metal plates on the main body are made of an aluminum alloy material. This alloy is what makes the TB141 resistant to collisions, meaning you don't have to worry about going too soft when using this RC car, even if you are a beginner.

What this means is that even on harsher trails where bumps are collisions are inevitable, you won't have to worry about the robust structure of the TB141. It can even handle drops from a few feet high.

Customer Praise and Acclaim

Don't just take my word for it – the Bezgar TB141 is a universally acclaimed RC car from both satisfied customers and award institutions alike. Many people have praised the Bezgar TB141 for its no-hassle design and how much fun it provides for the whole family. It makes a great option for adults entering the world of RC cars or a great gift for kids around the ages of 8 to 10. It would also make a great addition for anyone looking to add to their RC car collection.

Not only is the TB141 well praised but it is well endowed with awards as well. The TB141 has earned recognition from the Parents' Picks Awards, the Family Choice Awards, and 2022 National Parenting Product Awards and many more. There's so much praise showering this RC car that it's hard to keep up. As a result, the TB141 is easily one of the bestselling products Bezgar has ever offered.

Minor Downsides

Nothing in life is perfect, and the same rule applies to the Bezgar TB141. If I had to spot any cons about this RC car during my test runs, it would have to be its lack of smooth movement on grass and the shorter than average battery life.

Despite being an all terrain RC car that runs great on rocky trails or muddy paths, it seems to struggle on grass of almost any length. It still moves, but not with the acceleration or steering consistency I came to expect from it on other surfaces.

As for the battery life, it tended to last me just under half an hour, so you'll find yourself charging the TB141 often if you tend to enjoy using it at the maximum speed a lot.

monster truck rc cars

Final Thoughts

Overall, I would absolutely recommend the Bezgar TB141 to both kids and adults despite its few shortcomings. The look of the vehicle is great, it feels like a well-made product when it sits in your hands, it has a solid max speed, and it handles nearly all terrains like a champ. Not to mention the long remote control range of 50 meters is without a doubt a highly impressive feat.

It may not be the fastest, longest lasting or the most stylish RC car ever made, but when we're talking about an introduction to the world of RC cars or a product that offers as much value for its buck, the Bezgar TB141 is definitely the best RC car to buy. So if you’re a beginner yourself or you want to buy an RC car as a gift for someone t try, this is a great choice.

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